5 At work we deploy our software on machines that are located at customers sites. To access these machines we have created a VPN infrastructure that allows us to access the machines, deploy updates etc.
7 I use [Shrewsoft's VPN client](https://www.shrew.net/software) to connect to the VPN infrastructure. This works so well on Linux that we recently began to replace the commercial VPN client used on Mac OS X with the Shrew Soft client - but that's a different story.
9 Part of our infrastructure is a [Zabbix](https://www.zabbix.org/wiki/Main_Page) installation which is used to monitor our software via JMX. Zabbix features nice [screens](https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.0/manual/config/visualisation/screens) that can be used to create a dashboard-style overview over the current state of all hosts.
11 To give everyone in the office more visibility on how our software is doing I'd like to display custom Zabbix screens on a big display located in the office. A [Raspberry Pi](http://www.raspberrypi.org/) looks like the perfect machine for powering the display - it's cheap, doesn't use much power and should even have a chrome browser to run in kiosk mode.
13 Sounds like an interesting pet project so I ordered a Pi and some equipment. When it finally arrived I flashed the standard [NOOBS](http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/NOOBS_latest) starter pack. The main hurdle will be getting the Shrew Soft VPN client to run, I don't want to fiddle with the Linux distro right now. That'll be a hobby project for another day.
23 I did not install Qt and friends - the basic command line client will be sufficient for my setup. Connecting to the VPN will be fully automated anyway.