5 I've been planning on playing around with Linux' traffic shaping for quite some time now. My linux router machine is directly connected to the DSL modem - no consumer grade router box in the mix (and hence none of the vulnerabilities and security nightmares that have been discovered in those kind of boxen in the recent past).
7 My requirements for traffice shaping are quite simple: I share some open source downloads via bittorrent but don't want the torrent traffic to block regular surfing, Skype voice calls etc.
9 Yesterday, my friend [Holger](https://twitter.com/asynchronaut) brought the [Codel](http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/codel/wiki) packet scheduler to my attention. [Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoDel) has a good explanation of the Codel algorithm.
15 What can I say? I just works. I have turned off throttling on the torrent uploads and did not notice any lag in daily surfing. Skype calls sound like they did before with torrents turned off.