# HG changeset patch
# User Dirk Olmes <dirk@xanthippe.ping.de>
# Date 1412041061 -7200
# Node ID 47fa61e1845e624d7522cc34b1d69b86bfc2e007
# Parent  74d42171a531b4d41e0b25c0875b2a778aa3a7de
clean up indentation

diff -r 74d42171a531 -r 47fa61e1845e content/Eclipse/workspacemechanic.md
--- a/content/Eclipse/workspacemechanic.md	Tue Sep 30 03:33:59 2014 +0200
+++ b/content/Eclipse/workspacemechanic.md	Tue Sep 30 03:37:41 2014 +0200
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
             contact: 'my@email.com'
         tasks : [
-        'MyFirstRule.epf',
-        'MySecondRule.epf',
-        ]
+            'MyFirstRule.epf',
+            'MySecondRule.epf',
+       ]
 As the last step, configure the full URL to the json file as task source. The plugin will load these rules and apply them.