# HG changeset patch
# User Dirk Olmes <dirk@xanthippe.ping.de>
# Date 1414510956 -3600
# Node ID ef688010ddb515c8e56370f649f57901ead1207d
# Parent  20b38f558fee4204a97fa1cf3560dd9469546571
fix the image ALT tag

diff -r 20b38f558fee -r ef688010ddb5 content/Linux/fq_codel.md
--- a/content/Linux/fq_codel.md	Tue Oct 28 15:42:34 2014 +0100
+++ b/content/Linux/fq_codel.md	Tue Oct 28 16:42:36 2014 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Date: 2013-08-08
 Lang: en
-![Eclipse XML preferences](http://www.imagetxt.com/userpics/funnyimage-72529829.png)
+![Down with latency!](http://www.imagetxt.com/userpics/funnyimage-72529829.png)
 I've been planning on playing around with Linux' traffic shaping for quite some time now. My linux router machine is directly connected to the DSL modem - no consumer grade router box in the mix (and hence none of the vulnerabilities and security nightmares that have been discovered in those kind of boxen in the recent past).