Mercurial > hg > Feedworm
displaying the preferences dialog works, saving prefs doesn't yetSat, 27 Aug 2011 10:17:07 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
reorder methodsSat, 27 Aug 2011 07:32:01 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
move management of the selected feed entry into the backend - sqlachemy backend works, couchdb backend currently brokenSat, 27 Aug 2011 07:29:33 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
rename some methodsSat, 27 Aug 2011 07:11:08 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
move the selected feed into the backend - sqlalchemy backend works, couchdb backend currently brokenSat, 27 Aug 2011 07:07:50 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
ignore .sqlite filesFri, 26 Aug 2011 06:14:42 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
displaying entries for a feed works now with the couchdb backendFri, 26 Aug 2011 06:13:39 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
use couchdb's mapping API instead of manually coding around Rows - much leaner code :-)Thu, 25 Aug 2011 11:05:05 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
move getting the entries for a feed to the backend so that the couchdb backend can use a custom view for feed entriesThu, 25 Aug 2011 07:01:45 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
move the code from FeedList into the backend classThu, 25 Aug 2011 05:39:03 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
updating feeds on the couchdb backend works nowWed, 24 Aug 2011 11:54:06 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
remove the normalize method, it was pulled up to the parent classWed, 24 Aug 2011 11:04:09 +0200, by Dirk Olmes
remove unused constantWed, 24 Aug 2011 10:57:42 +0200, by Dirk Olmes