view zshrc-gentoo @ 68:ade677b0fdbe

use zsh-autoenv instead of the bash oriented autoenv
author Dirk Olmes <>
date Fri, 29 May 2015 07:29:54 +0200
parents bc9e88b0be4a
children 5af04798adef
line wrap: on
line source

# zshrc-gentoo: gentoo specific initialization

# keychain setup: authenticate to remote hosts only once
local keychain_init_file=$HOME/.keychain/${HOST}-sh
if [ -r ${keychain_init_file} ]; then
    . ${keychain_init_file}

# custom environment variables
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano
export PATH="${PATH}":/opt/bin

# custom aliases for gentoo
alias cd..="cd .."
alias es="ionice -c3 emerge --sync"
alias les="less"
alias wu="emerge -uvDa world"
alias xm="xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap"

# custom functions for gentoo
kcs() { source $HOME/.keychain/${HOST}-sh }
ll() { /usr/bin/env -u LC_ALL LANG=C ls -laFh "$@" | more }
lr() { /usr/bin/env -u LC_ALL LANG=C ls -rtlh "$@" }
service() { /etc/init.d/"$@" }