I recently updated Sventon on a production system. While the update itself went quite smooth, I found a minor glitch with the URLs do display a certain changeset.

Sventon 1.4.x used URLs like this


where Sventon 2.x uses the this format


We send out confirmation mails con commit including the sventon URL to the changeset. So we need the old URLs to work on the new sventon. Luckily, we host everything on an apache web server, mod_rewrite to the rescue!

The following rewrite config rewrites the old format to the new one and forwards it to sventon:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} name=(.*)&revision=([0-9]+)
RewriteRule /sventon/revinfo.svn http://sventon.local/sventon/repos/%1/info?revision=%2 [L]